Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reflective synopsis

Technology within contemporary society has now become an integral part of life. If used effectively these technologies can be adopted within schools and have the ability to transform, support and enhance students learning in classrooms. As future learning managers we are now fortunate enough to be able to engage students in a way that previously was not possible. Computers are no longer the only source for students to interact with ICTS but there is now a range of digital devices easy enough for both learning managers and students to use that will benefit their learning.

Labbo, Sprague, Montero (2000) recognise that there are many educational opportunities which arise from incorporating technologies into student’s learning. For instance students are able to express their views and opinions online with other students as well as provide students with different forms of communication to work with. It is also important to take into consideration that there are different learners within the classroom such as visual, aural and verbal learners. The use of ICTs will not only support these students in their learning but also engage them which is a critical factor if we want our students to be enthusiastic and motivated in regards to their education.

Furthermore ICTs have the ability to transform students learning enabling them to explore and discover. For instance Tinio (2002) mentions that ICTs provide students with the opportunity to work with people from around the world and learn about other cultures. Therefore enhances student’s communicative skills as well as their global awareness. Remy (2009) explained that online communities also promote different forms of communication for students to work with. For instance the online game World of War craft can be viewed in the classroom as an online social media aspect as it requires players to network and interact with one another. Players must plan strategies together and work as a team to achieve their quest in the online game. These examples demonstrate that we are able to take something of interest to students and link it to meaningful education.

With technology now so apparent in society Hill (2005) mentions that it is also very important to consider that for most students the classroom is the only place where they will learn to question the values and intentions of the many software programs and websites they will be exposed to. Makin, Diaz and McLachlan (2007) supports this also by mentioning that learning to critique digital media and consider whether the information is appropriate is more important than ever, considering the amount of time children are engaged with the screen.

Although there are many benefits to using ICTs in classrooms there are certain problems we need to be aware of. For instance in student’s learning it can be suggested that the educational effectiveness of ICTs depends on how they are used and for what purpose. For example some ICTs on their own would not constitute as learning and therefore it is the learning manager’s responsibility that they relate the ICT to meaningful learning. Wheeler (2005, p.6) also argues that “teachers who had not experienced ICT throughout their learning tend to have a negative attitude towards it, as they may lack the training in that area of the curriculum.” Therefore it is imperative that educators are provided with the support and knowledge required to incorporate ICTs into their classroom.

Obviously there is an endless range of ICT tools available that will enhance and support student’s learning. Google maps, voki, prezi, online mind maps and power point are all ICTs I have used in my blog and also would incorporate into my classroom as a learning manager. As I have explained earlier in my blog I do not have a strong background in ICTs at all and most of these tools I had never heard of before taking part in this subject. After realising how simple they are to use and how effective they can be I strongly believe they would benefit students learning in an early childhood setting.

Voki offers a virtual experience for students where they are responsible for designing their own character. Students are also able to access the voki website outside the classroom making it easy for them to develop their own character. I have created my own red voki character on my blog which was quick to use and gave me ideas on how to incorporate this into student’s learning. Although the voki is fun to use it does not on its own constitute as meaningful learning. Therefore I considered it an excellent idea that in a classroom setting students could create their own character and setting and then write a story in their books about it. After having their story checked and edited students could record their story for their character to say and share their finished voki with the class. Not only is this highly engaging but it is a step up from having students simply draw a picture in their books to go with their written story.

Online mind maps were also used within my blog which I think look professional and are fun to use rather than writing on butchers paper for groups ideas. I know in my prep setting for prac everyday the teachers brainstorm ideas with the children regarding what indoor activities they would like to do. The mind map could easily be used by the teacher to type in students ideas and thoughts. The students also often want to find out about things such as ocean life, pirates or dinosaurs. Again the teach creates a mind map and brainstorms what the children want to know on butchers paper. Using the online mind map to do this would be very exciting for the prep students and also familiarise them with the tool so that they could use it themselves later in the year.

Google map is an excellent ICT tool which would support students to see other countries and cultures when we discuss them in class. Having students see these places visually would open up opportunities for new learning and engage their interest. Obviously this particular tool can fit into so many different key learning areas in the early years setting. For example to introduce students to this tool you could first research the school students attend and show them how it works. This could then be expanded on by having students research their home address and as a class we could find out who has to travel the furthest to school. From here we could then move outside of Australia and begin finding out about different countries which could spark the question to students, how do other students in the world learn? Clearly Google maps provides endless possibilities for meaningful learning and encourages students to explore and investigate.

Prezi and PowerPoint are ICT tools that are somewhat similar to one another. Both can be effective in classroom learning if they are used in the appropriate way. As I mentioned in my blog PowerPoint has been over used in some classroom settings however the online technology learning centre (2005) provided suggestions other ways the PowerPoint can be used in the classroom that would enhance student’s learning. Prezi could be incorporated into an early years setting by explaining students how to make a recipe. For example a year two class is currently focussing on cooking and using prezi would be a great way of showing them how they are going to make their food.

The Big six by Eisenberg and Berkowitz (2001) is used across thousands of schools and focuses on students develop the skills and understandings they need to find, process, and use information effectively. Obviously this theory involves six steps which include: task Definition, information seeking strategies, location and access, use of information, synthesis and finally evaluation. People go through the big six when they seek or apply information to solve a problem or make a decision (Esisenberg and Berkowitz, 2001). Together with the eight learning management questions by smith and lynch (2007) and the Dimensions of learning by Marzano and Pickering we are able to plan for our students learning appropriately. This is obviously the process I would take when planning the lessons I mentioned above for classroom learning.

Overall it is evident that there are endless possibilities for student’s learning using various ICTs. Not only do they have the ability to engage students in their learning but they also support students to discover and explore new knowledge and skills. It is important to remember however that meaningful learning must be linked to ICTs. It is evident that the ICTs discussed from my blog clearly have the potential to enhance, support and encourage student’s learning. By introducing students to these technologies from a young age it will set them up for lifelong learning and enable them to build on these new skills.

Reference list

Esienberg, M. (2001). The Big 6 Skills Overview. Retrieved July 22, 2010 from http//

Hill, S. (2005, August). Multiliteracies in early childhood. Paper presented at Public Libraries of South Australia Conference.

Labbo, L., Sprague, L., Montero, MK. (2000). Connecting a computer centre to themes, literature and kindergarteners’ literacy needs. Retrieved August 20, 2010, from

Lynch, D., & Smith, R. (2006). The Rise of the Learning Manager: The Learning Management Design Process, ed. R. Smith & D. Lynch, 53-68. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education.

Makin, L., Diaz, C., & McLachlan, L. (2007). Literacies in Childhood. Australia: Elsevier.

Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., Arredondo, D. E., Blackburn, G. J., Brandt, R. S., Moffett, C. A., et al. (2006). Dimensions of Learning Teacher’s Manual. Heatherton, Australia: Hawker Brownlow Education.

Remy, S. (2009, October 13). Social Networking. The Courier Mail, p.36.

Tinio, V. (2002). ICT in Education. Retrieved August 22, 2010 from

Wheeler, S. (2005), Transforming Primary ICT. Learning Matters LTD: Exeter.

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